Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Harriet Martineau

The period that Harriet Martineau was present in was 1802-1876. What was going on in that time period was feminism. A act was passed in that period it was called the divorce and matrimonial causes. This act was passed in 1857.

Her major contributions were she studied women, children and sufferers ( Persons who are consider to be criminals, mentally ill, handicapped, poor or alocholic). The books she wrote were Ilustrations of Political Economy, Socitey in America. Her first piece that was published was Female Writers of Partical Divinity in the Unitarian Journal Monthly Repository in 1822. She was also the translator of Auguste Comte's work. She studied the social customs of Britain and the United States and analyzed the consquences of industrialization and capitalism.

Vocab terms:
Social Facts- She studied the behavior of women, children and sufferers. She was an active sociologist.
Theory-  She believed that society would be better if men and women were treated equally.
Sociological Imagination- Using the relationship between class, race, and gender.

Other interesting facts about Harriet are she believed that a better society would emerge if women and men were treated equally, enlightened reform occured, and cooperation existed among people in all social classes. She explored factors influenced in the lives of people, mainly in women and children. She was convinced that sociology was the true science of human nature. She thought it could bring about new knowledge and understanding.

Website: http://media.pfeiffer.edu/lridener/dss/
